Your tax-free donations can be:

  1. Mailed to Shelter Island Foundation, PO Box 547, Shelter Island, NY 11964
  2. Given in memory of a loved one through matching grants with your employer or other benefit/charity organizations
  3. Via PayPal

The Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3) charity and your donations, bequests, or gifts are 100% deductible under the code.

All donations stay on Shelter Island. Thank you in advance for your support.

About Us

Our mission is to serve our community and we do this in two important ways. First, we provide the financial support necessary to recruit, train and re-train the many volunteers that respond to our 911 emergencies. Second, we aim to secure the capital funds necessary for the purchase of specialized medical equipment, like ambulances, which are not included in the yearly town budgets.

In the past year, we have:

  • Contributed $85,000 to the Shelter Island Town EMS Capital Fund to purchase a new Advanced Life Support Ambulance
  • Purchased new CPR training equipment
  • Provided financial assistance for a several new paramedics and EMTs
  • Purchased state-of-the-art Airway Management tools for the Advanced Life Support personnel
  • Provided funds for in-house Core Training for Continuing Education programs for EMTs